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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Award Winning Toys for Infants and Toddlers

Award Winning Toys for Infants and Toddlers

Is your baby or toddler having a birthday, do you need a gift for a niece, nephew or a friend’s baby or toddler. With all the toys out there sometimes it’s hard to know which toys are the most age appropriate and safest toys to buy for our children.

Toys play an important part in baby’s and toddler’s development. They help build hand-eye coordination, stimulate senses, develop motor skills and creativity.

The best toys for infants are toys that attract attention. Toys that have bright colors, patterns, different textures, play music and have dancing lights, fascinate young babies. Babies love to put things in their mouth. Soft pliable toys make it easy for them to do just that.

Toddlers want to explore everything and imitate adults. They are developing motor skills and speaking functions. Playtime is not only for amusement, but every moment your child is learning something new. This is the age when you can introduce numbering and the alphabet.

The best toys for toddlers will have buttons to push, songs to listen to and sing along with, wheels to pull and push, blocks to build with or shapes to sort. Toys that let your child use his or her imagination enhance physical development and coordination.

Elaine Farber, author of Baby Lists, has put together four great lists of award winning toys for infants, toddler boys, toddler girls and toys for either a boy or a girl. You can share the lists with family and friends that don’t know what to get their children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews for birthdays or other special occasions. You’ll find a picture and description of each toy on each of the lists and a link to the website where you can find each toy. Just click on the link and it will take you directly to the website where you can buy the toy.

To access the award winning lists of toys for infants, toddler boys, toddler girls or unisex toys go to www.babylistsbook.com

About the Author: Elaine Farber is a Newborn Specialist/Consultant and author of Baby Lists: What to Do and What to Get to Prepare for Baby. Elaine has over thirty five years experience caring for single and multiple birth babies. Visit Elaine’s website at www.babylistsbook.com where you will find many helpful articles and lists of products for babies and toddlers.

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice collections/information about toys,here i have got more about different type of toys and gifts for the kids like award winning kids toys, christmas gift crafts, light up toys, personalised kids gifts and many more...
