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Monday, October 11, 2010

Stocking Your Medicine/First-Aid Kit For Infants and Toddlers

With little ones in the house it is important to have a completely stocked medicine/first-aid kit. A metal safety box is a good place to store medicines and first-aid equipment and supplies. Items in a first-aid kit can be dangerous if left where a child can get to them, so keep the box out of the reach of children. Make sure the box is portable and locked at all times. The box should have a key lock or a combination lock. Choose a special place in the house where you can access the key (or a written note of the combination) quickly. Be sure to let your child-care provider know where the key or combination is located. On the inside lid of the medicine/first-aid kit, post the name and phone number of your family doctor or pediatrician, along with the number of your local hospital, poison control center, police, fire department, and two neighbors.

If your child has a medical problem such as specific allergies or some other life-threatening condition, always carry his medication with you and keep another prescription in your first-aid kit. If your child takes medicine regularly, or if he is sick and needs medication and a caregiver has to administer it, be sure the time, dosage, and method of administering the medication is written down and thoroughly explained. Have your caregiver keep a record of any medications given while you are at home or away. That way, you’ll know what medications your child received, and the time they were administered.

Before you give your child any medication, unless the medication has been recently prescribed, always check with your pediatrician. The dosage will vary depending on your child’s age and weight. These medications include over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol, decongestants, antihistamines, cough syrups, and suppositories. Be sure to check the expiration date on medications in your first-aid kit frequently. Replace them as needed.

The following products should be in your medicine/first-aid kit. You can find all the products on this list online, or at your local pharmacy or grocery store.

Medicines, Rehydration Fluids and Poison Antidotes

Fever Reducers

A fever reducer is used to relieve pain and reduce fever caused by teething, illness or immunization reactions. Ask your pediatrician before giving any fever reducer.

  • Infant Tylenol
  • Pediacare Infant’s Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever


Decongestants help dry up stuffy, runny noses

  • To be prescribed by your pediatrician


An antihistamine can relieve itching and swelling from bug bites or allergic reactions.

  • To be prescribed by your pediatrician

Cough Suppressant

A cough suppressant can help calm a persistent, nagging cough.

  • To be prescribed by your pediatrician

Saline Eye Drops

Saline eye drops are used to wash foreign bodies out of the eye.

  • Hypo Tears Lubricant Eye Drops

Infant Saline Nose Drops

Infant saline nose drops are made up of a simple saline solution to help unclog stuffy noses.

  • Little Noses Saline Spray/Drops, Non-Medicated
  • Ayr Baby’s Saline Nose Spray, Drops

Gas Drops

Gas Drops include simethicone for fast acting relief from gas in baby’s tummy. Gas drops work gently to break down gas bubbles in minutes. All gas drops listed below are dye, alcohol, saccharin, artificial colors and flavors free.

  • Mylicon Gas Relief Drops for Infants, Dye
  • Little Tummies Gas Relief Drops for Newborns, Infants and Children
  • Gripe Water for Colic

Pedialyte Rehydration Fluids

Pedialyte rehydration fluids are used to treat dehydration caused by vomiting and infant diarrhea. Pedialyte Oral Electrolyte Maintenance Solution comes in liquid form for babies, and popsicle form for older children.

  • Pedialyte Oral Electrolyte Maintenance Solution
  • Gerber LiquiLytes Oral Electrolyte Maintenance Solution

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is used in cases of accidental poisoning when you do not want to induce vomiting. Activated charcoal helps to neutralize poisons. Always check with your pediatrician and poison control center before you administer this.

  • To be prescribed by your pediatrician

Lotions, Ointments and Soaps

Mild Soap

Babies have sensitive skin. Keep a mild soap in the first-aid kit to wash off the many cuts and scrapes your child will encounter as she grows up.

  • Baby Soap Bar by Johnson’s Baby
  • Ivory Soap

Antibacterial Ointments

Treat cuts or scrapes with antibacterial ointment, which reduces the possibility of infection.

  • Neosporin First-Aid Antibiotic Ointment
  • Polysporin First-Aid Antibiotic Ointment

Topical Calamine Lotion or Hydrocortisone Cream (1 percent)

These creams are used for insect bites and itchy rashes.

  • Aveeno Maximum Strength Anti-Itch Cream, 1% Hydrocortisone
  • Calamine Lotion

Hydrogen Peroxide

Cleans cuts and scrapes with hydrogen peroxide to decrease the chance of infection.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

Rubbing Alcohol

Use rubbing alcohol for cleaning thermometers, tweezers, and other instruments.

  • Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%
  • Rite Aid Isopropyl Alcohol 70% Wipes

Child-Safe Insect Repellent

Keep bugs and insects from biting your baby by applying an insect repellent.

  • Baby Bug Block by Little Forest

Baby Bug Block uses an effective blend of ingredients that ward off insects without the use of chemical agents that may be harmful to baby’s skin. With Little Forest your baby will enjoy safe, natural, and effective protection against insect bites.

  • Natural Bug Blend Bug Repellent Spray by California Baby

This nontoxic, DEET free, nonchemical, hypoallergenic formula repels bugs while it soothes existing bites and hydrates the skin.

Other Necessities for First-Aid Kit


The only way to tell if your child has a fever is by taking his temperature.

8-Second Thermometer by Safety 1st

American Red Cross Digital Thermometer by The First Years

Calibrated Medicine Dispenser

A medicine dispenser is used for measuring and administering the proper dose of medications

  • Medicine Dropper by Safety 1st
  • Soft Tip Medicine Dispenser by The First Years


Tweezers are needed to remove splinters and ticks.

  • Clear View Tweezers and Nail Clipper by Safety First
  • Regular Standard Tweezers of your choice

Assortment of Adhesive Bandage Strips

Have bandages in various sizes and shapes handy for all emergencies. Get the less sticky kind.

  • Children’s Adhesive Bandages. Assorted Sizes by Band-Aid, or brand of your choice

Gauze Rolls

To protect open wounds, use gauze rolls ½ to 2 inches wide.

Gauze Pads

Gauze pads are used for wounds that are too big for Band-Aids

  • Sterile Gauze Pads, Extra Absorbent 2x2 Inch
  • Sterile Gauze Pads 4x4 Inch

Adhesive Tape

Adhesive tape is used to hold gauze pads in place.

  • First-Aid Hurt-Free Tape by Johnson & Johnson

Sterile Cotton Balls

Use sterile cotton balls to clean wounds or apply lotions, creams, or ointments.

  • Any brand of cotton balls will do

Cotton Swabs

Use cotton swabs to apply some medications.

  • Cotton Swabs by Johnson & Johnson
  • Cotton Swabs by Q-Tip

First-Aid Cold Packs

Cold packs are used to relieve pain and reduce swelling.

  • Prince Lionheart Hot and Cold Gel Pack
  • Soft hug First-Aid Cool Pack by J. L. Childress

Sharp Scissors

You’ll need a pair of sharp scissors for cutting gauze or adhesive tape.

Package of Tongue Depressors

Keep tongue depressors handy in case you need to make splints for certain injuries. Always consult your doctor before you apply a splint.

Small Flashlight and Extra Batteries

You can use the flashlight to check ears, nose, and throat for redness or inflammation. You can also use it to check pupils for signs of a concussion, or to see in general when the lights go out.

Heating Pad or Hot-Water Bottle

Some injuries require the use of heat to relieve pain and relax sore muscles. A heating pad or hot-water bottle is great for a colicky tummy. Always consul your pediatrician before you use these items.

CPR Chart

Even if you have taken a CPR course, the procedure is easy to forget in an emergency situation. Have the chart handy as a good reminder of the steps to follow in case you need to administer CPR.

First-Aid Manual

The Americana Red Cross’s First-Aid and Safety Handbook gives detailed advice for handling both minor and major emergencies.

About the Author: Elaine Farber is a Newborn Specialist/Consultant and author of Baby Lists: What to Do and What to Get to Prepare for Baby. Elaine has over thirty five years experience caring for single and multiple birth babies. Visit Elaine’s website at www.babylistsbook.com where you will find many helpful articles and lists of products for infants and toddlers.