We Invite You to Come Join Us!
® is MOMS Offering Moms Support

Ever feel like you're the only mother who stays home?

You are not alone! Come meet other at home mothers in the Lower Bucks County Area.

The MOMS Club is an international non-profit organization specifically for at home mothers (working mothers can join too!).

We give you the opportunity to share in activities with other mothers and their children and help you feel good about your decision to stay home to raise your family.
It is a fantastic way to meet new people for yourself and for your children.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Reading the Future

Yesterday while I was driving our family to a birthday party, my husband put the car seat all the way back (my 6 year old was sitting right behind him).  My son proceeded to exclaim about how shiny my husband's bald spot was.  
After I asked him to gaze into the shiny "crystal ball" and tell our fortunes, he quickly responded, 
"Daddy's future is that his bald spot will be getting much bigger!"